GoneGirl 3 posts 7 months old |
on 19-12-2024 14:21:35 (1 month ago) I have a suggestion, what if scouts could look for players with specific skills for all the players (managed team) in their area. Not only players in the market. and then the scout can make an offer directly to the player's manager. for example, I want to find a striker with minimum 60 finishing. After a few days the striker's data will appear. The faster the data appears, the more gold is needed to use this feature. I think this makes the scout a little more useful. edited on 19-12-2024 14:52:12 (2 times)
Ocooo22 1 posts 7 months old |
on 19-12-2024 15:32:55 (1 month ago) +1, nice idea :) |