Forum > Suggestions (International) > captain bonus - aq - cups ranking

176 posts
7 months old
on 19-10-2024 18:08:51 (3 months ago)

DELETE AQ - all we know it means nothing and it will bring much more managerial skills to the game


CL/CC RANKING - average score from 4 seasons should be considered in internationals otherway the ranking has no sense, because winner will always secure 6 spots in next competition, all other crowded leagues 4 spots, empty leagues with just few managers 2 spots


DELETE CAPTAIN BONUS - it is nonsense at all, and the second thing is max exp should be 400


and I do not invite you to a discussion, because there is nothing to discuss

11 posts
4 months old
on 19-10-2024 18:31:42 (3 months ago)

Your captain will retire the current season… I guess is coincidence 🤔

93 posts
7 months old
on 19-10-2024 18:32:19 (3 months ago)

Aq is fine, it helps to sort players while you wanna buy at a certain level.

CC/CL ranking, you ask for average 4 seasons while there been only  2 seasons untill now, the third is still beeing played rofl =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Captain bonus work same from day 1, nothing changed, if it was fine at start, why it isnt  now? 

edited on 19-10-2024 18:33:07 (1 times)

40 posts
6 months old
on 19-10-2024 18:34:20 (3 months ago)

@markitoss He said he wants no discussion, just make the changes he wants :))

if you want no discussion just write to Nicmo in PM, don t post on discussion forum!

53 posts
6 months old
on 19-10-2024 22:24:19 (3 months ago)


Everything can be discussed. And you can see it by the previous comments.

  • Aq is a simple metric to evaluate players, but also to compare teams. It helps to search for players in market, among other things. If you want to be a better manager, you can't use it as.the main factor to manage your team and choose players, but can help.
  • CL/CC rankings may need some adjustments, including the number of seasons to make the rankings, bit at this phase of game development, it's ok as it is, and we have other things to work on. 
  • Captain bonus need to be adjusted, I agree, but my proposal is to make it dependent on the captain's experience differential.

@Adrian09, We're at least on the 3rd season of the CL/CC.

176 posts
7 months old
on 20-10-2024 08:19:05 (3 months ago)

@markitoss your captain has 689 points even my 4th player is better... this is my idea since 2nd season


@adrian09 To the AQ - it has sense, nice!

it is third season with cups now and didnt you notice that only current and last is counted? so only 2 are considered

about captain - it never was. i wonder how you forgot so easily your best sentence 'buy better captain'



edited on 20-10-2024 08:20:17 (1 times)

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