Forum > Suggestions (International) > Please Remove Limit of Currency

18 posts
7 months old
on 26-01-2025 10:44:23 (3 days ago)

I suggest remove limit currency because.. 

1. Financial Market at Euro - Gold is broken.. 

2. Financial Market at Gold to Currency is broken too.. 


Because many people didnt need gold.. And rather choose buy euro.. :)) 


Simple analogy.. You just need monthly wage for currency.. 

Then spend gold for buy euro and wd.. 


So gold and currency now is a trash.. 


1 month ago.. Stable at 25.4 


So its effect the league all in Nation.. :)) about global prize and market

148 posts
7 months old
on 26-01-2025 10:54:27 (3 days ago)

As you said, you only need local currency for monthly wages, that's why the limit was introduced.

Since after 3 weeks without login a manager is sacked from the club, nobody needs more than 3 weeks' worth of salary

edited on 26-01-2025 10:55:59 (1 times)

16 posts
7 months old
on 26-01-2025 11:28:44 (3 days ago)


23 posts
7 months old
on 26-01-2025 12:35:53 (3 days ago)

I don't understand what you mean that financial market is broken? Increase of exchange 10% is not really alarming as it mostly happen only this month as people are forced to sell excess local currency. Also higher exchange rate is better for investors to team, make them easier to pay salaries

277 posts
3 years old
on 26-01-2025 13:40:29 (3 days ago)

its also common for the exchange rate to rise at the end of the season as CL and CC rewards are changed to euros by the winners.

18 posts
7 months old
on 26-01-2025 16:41:25 (3 days ago)

I think its nice if C.L and C.C rewarded by euro directly.. Not by gold.. Because if rewarded by gold.. You can lose amount of euro.. :)) 


For example = winner C.L europe = 3400 / 25.4 = 133.85 euro but If exch rate raise until 27.4 = 3400 / 27.4 = 124.08 euro.. :)) 


I know its little difference.. But you can get less euro than before.. :)) 

93 posts
7 months old
on 26-01-2025 18:05:28 (3 days ago)

@ryoichi123 your suggestion is just... If you want prizes to be paid straight in euro, well , exchange will raise and reward will be lower as Euro amount since global fund will buy a big amount of euro. 

18 posts
7 months old
on 28-01-2025 18:11:01 (1 day ago)

Prize with gold = but buy euro is expensive now.. :)) 

And the prize was reduced depend on wage.. :)) 


As I said.. Financial market is broken.. :)) 


If you wanna get more prize depend on wage.. 

You should try to remove the limit.. 


Because low exch rate at currency more gold you get from every match and final season reward.. :)) 

For example :

Wage 320 CAD rate 80/g

= 4g

Then lowering until = 320 CAD rate 40/g

= 8g 


So you can pay more... Then more reward at final season.. 


160 CAD/victory = 2g

160 CAD/victory = 4g


More reward from every match.. :)) 


edited on 28-01-2025 18:13:44 (1 times)

18 posts
7 months old
on 28-01-2025 18:22:22 (1 day ago)

Because of limit.. :)) everyone who having huge currency.. Massively buy gold then buy euro.. :)) 

Market should be free for everyone.. :)) 

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