nicmo 277 posts 3 years old |
on 29-10-2024 10:23:19 (3 months ago) Would it be helpful if a manager could set a default skill to increase for each player and when training progress goes above 100, that skills gets trained automatically? The manager can change this default skill any time. Would you use it? edited on 29-10-2024 10:26:52 (1 times)
Muricy 14 posts 5 months old |
on 29-10-2024 10:26:52 (3 months ago) Yes! |
Fenix 7 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 10:27:37 (3 months ago) I prefer to enter them manually, but it would be a convenient option to add |
maridiba 148 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 10:29:40 (3 months ago) Nice idea, I think I would use it in many cases |
JUmpingJAckFLash14 97 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 10:46:58 (3 months ago) hello Nicmo if we have the choise yes its good |
Tadalion 26 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 10:56:49 (3 months ago) Yes
AkmaXHimeko 22 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 11:21:17 (3 months ago) Yes |
Ralf 67 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 11:38:46 (3 months ago) Yes |
Major117 17 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 11:40:54 (3 months ago) YES |
Mazzika 12 posts 5 months old |
on 29-10-2024 11:49:23 (3 months ago) Yes |
squizy588 14 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 11:56:39 (3 months ago) That's helpful |
jmrc125 12 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 12:34:36 (3 months ago) I think the same that Fenix, I like to do it manually. I like to ensure not to exceed the 60% level (due the lower increase from there on), unless the automatic increase can be set with that kind of conditions =) |
Loretty 42 posts 6 months old |
on 29-10-2024 14:19:09 (3 months ago) big YES. |
PvPNyko 51 posts 6 months old |
on 29-10-2024 15:10:19 (3 months ago) Bah. I would still do it manually because im a control freak :D |
Speed 18 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 15:24:58 (3 months ago) Yes |
Alin 116 posts 8 months old |
on 29-10-2024 16:15:56 (3 months ago) Sounds good. BIG yes! |
speedtuning 62 posts 9 months old |
on 29-10-2024 16:19:10 (3 months ago) Yes, is good idea |
Spiler 40 posts 6 months old |
on 29-10-2024 16:25:17 (3 months ago) Can be done, but I like to take my time manually :)) |
lysybandyta 176 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 19:22:58 (3 months ago) It doesnt take a loot of time and i have a control over the process |
guilherme157 46 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 20:36:11 (3 months ago) Yes ! |
lordaust 15 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 20:43:05 (3 months ago) Depends on the implementation. The reason I suspect I would do this manually regardless is not that the challenge is knowing which skill to train, its to know when I need to stop training a particular skill. I.e. I want to train tackling until level 75 then I want to focus on positioning until level 70 then I will do heading till level 70, then return to tackling for example. |
efighter 11 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 21:49:11 (3 months ago) I think this is going to help the unmanaged team. The meaning of Manager diminishes. |
maridiba 148 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 22:02:41 (3 months ago) @efighter you still have to login and click to train the players, otherwise they don't receive points |
efighter 11 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 22:14:22 (3 months ago) You allow this automatic change next is automatic training of players at 00:00 hours. |
Cabbage 33 posts 7 months old |
on 29-10-2024 22:16:57 (3 months ago) Unnecessary change. |
bigs_nuno 53 posts 6 months old |
on 29-10-2024 22:46:52 (3 months ago) I agree with Iordaust: it's a good option, but I want to train players on a certain skill up to a point where I have to switch to another one. And with an alert to inform that automatic training has stopped, so that I can choose another one, be with same coach or another (in that case, I don't want to lose a day, and the alert is useful in the day that the player reached the alert level). Otherwise, I need to do it manually, at least for some players. Anyway, this needs to be optional, of course |
savas52 20 posts 7 months old |
on 30-10-2024 14:55:57 (3 months ago) Good idea! |
Tecnocrazy 19 posts 7 months old |
on 30-10-2024 16:46:04 (3 months ago) I like the way it works today, I think the only thing that could be improved is to have a better explanation on how the formulas work to calculate whether a dribble is successful or not. It would also be clearer what is necessary to train or not for each tactic. |
Momo025 26 posts 7 months old |
on 30-10-2024 19:11:19 (3 months ago) Manual |
Chudej 12 posts 7 months old |
on 30-10-2024 21:44:08 (3 months ago) Manual we need active players no automatic :D |
Shiho 40 posts 7 months old |
on 31-10-2024 00:37:25 (2 months ago) Yes |
jrgomezh 1 posts 7 months old |
on 31-10-2024 00:56:36 (2 months ago) Yes. The manager set the skill and the player auto-train whitout limit. It´s the manager´s responsability change the auto-train to another skill or lost the skill points (be a active manager or die XD) The players in the unmanaged teams can receive auto-train in random skill in the Season starting day, this way the players can train diferent skill montly and they can be competitives |
b1c10 73 posts 7 months old |
on 31-10-2024 01:24:23 (2 months ago) My preference is manual :) But yes, It would be nice when you choose between this or manual. |
Eabv25 6 posts 5 months old |
on 31-10-2024 13:07:49 (2 months ago) I wouldn't use it much, but a way to sort the skills in the "Team Player Roles" section would be appreciated. |