Forum > Suggestions (International) > Reintroducing Federation Committee

51 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 18:03:10 (3 months ago)

Before anyone just go down to the comment section and type +1/-1 or something similar, please don't. I want a fair discussion on the replies with "what if.." or "that won't work because..." and so on.
I know there has been a suggestion about that already, but I'll do it anyway with a better suggestion.
And I also know that many disliked the idea of Committee for various reason, but give this suggestion a chance!

Here's a list of what I'll be writing of:

  • Why am I suggestion something that was disliked a lot because of good reason?
  • How my way of a perfect Federation Committee may or will work.
  • How to be in the Committee?
  • What will the Committee do?
  • What will be added with the change?
  • Abuse Prevention

 Why am I suggestion something that was disliked a lot because of good reason?
"Can't make everyone happy!"
There are actually reason that could benefit the future of specific Federations.
If we take a look of Investment of the first few season, it was a lot. Federation Treasury was filled almost everywhere. If we now look at the Large Federation, they have a almost a steady income every month as there are many still investing.
Now lets take a look at the not so large Federations. Some are still rising as the few managers there are investing for their club it rises, but some Federations aren't and that could be fixed! (Not for Large Federations as they're healthy enough)

How my way of a perfect Federation Committee may or will work.
We all know for sure, there's no healthy committee that can be voted as everyone can vote. But this suggestion is against the voting of Committee members. In that way, a Federation Treasury can stay healthy without any intervention of bad actors that want to manipulate the income of others and profits for themselves.

How to be in the Committee?
It won't be that easy to just "Hey, can I be the head of Committee?". In my opinion, Federations that at least got 30+ Managers but also below 100 Managers could be allowed to have a fully verified/trusted Manager (Opinion of Nicmo) that is part of the Federation to be in the Committee. (Max. 1 Manager)
If Nicmo decides that there is no need for a Committee or there are no trusting managers, the Federation will adapt to Nicmo and Community suggestion about % changes.

What will the Committee do?
The Committee has to keep an eye on their Treasury if they have to change the rewards for the next season or not, they also have to decide how much Gold from the Treasury goes to Victory/League and Cup rewards.
If they put up a change to any of the rewards or allocation, it will be thrown either on "HOME" or on a new site that will show the Committee.
Before the end of the Season, Nicmo will check the suggested % of the Committee and either approve it or decline it for the next Season.

What will be added with the change?
A new site that will list the "Committee" of allowed Federations and can see the "Global %", "Local % and "Next Season change %"
The site will be allowed to be seen for everyone as they can compare the incoming impact of the Committee for that Federation.
The Committee may only create Local Tournaments with either rewards from Federation Treasury or from entering.
They can make an announcement that will only be shown on the "HOME" site for its Federation..
The Committee may change the allocations of the Federations Treasury.
Change % reward for the League/Cup and Victory.
Can start a vote with Managers from A1 to change formation of the National Team.

Committee can only sell EUR to Gold
Committee can buy/sell Gold to LocalCurrency.
^The Committee has a limitation to use Local currency market. Committee must wait 4-7 days after doing a Currency Trade. For Example, I now sell Gold to DEM with my club, that will not add a cooldown on my club but on the Committee Currency Trading that I can't buy/sell on there for the next 4-7 days and the other way around.
This will lowkey prevent profiting of the market but not fully.
The Federation still automatically sells all Euro and the Committee has to set up a % of how much Gold will be sold to Local Currency. The time of selling will be with global standard timing after Seasons ends by the System.

Abuse Prevention
There will probably now question with "Suggestion X can be abused by,,,"
That's why I added this.

  • Q: If Nicmo adds a trusted manager to the Committee, they can eventually abuse it for their own or friends gain!
    A: That could happend. But for any change in the Federation, Nicmo would still need to approve to the change and the change can't be done without the approval of Nicmo.
  • Q: If the local Tournament can only be created by the Committee it can also be abused by the Committee with friend to match fixing!
    A: I'm aware of that! The Tournament would have a cooldown of 1 Week after creating 1 tournament. A limit on how much Gold can be taken, only 20G as Sponsoring and on top a limit of how much the fee is to enter them. Also a restriction to the Committee is, they can't join any Local Tournaments.
  • Q: This will give too much profit to the Committee and their friends/refs.
    A: There's nothing anyone can do much harm as Committee beside of adding more restriction or removing the Committee from the Federation and throw it in again with the Global Settings.


If you've read that far, voice your opinion in the comment.
I'd be happy to discuss specific subject about the suggestion in the comments!
If something is unclear, please write also a comment and I'll try to explain it better or simplier!

93 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 19:59:36 (3 months ago)

Having a Committee is the worst thing possible. This is a football game, best manager win, why should there be this option of choosing a Committee able to ruin people experience? :D

51 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 20:06:14 (3 months ago)

@Adrian09 obviously you haven’t read it :D

93 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 20:10:36 (3 months ago)

I did, and yes, it can ruin the experience of players as he can CHANGE the allocation of funds, can create tournaments with rewards at it decision and way more things who can target a specific group of friends. It is a football game, bestbteam should win and such things should stay away from such a game.

This isbmy opinion.

51 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 20:28:31 (3 months ago)

Ruin the experience when chosen by Nicmo? Nicmo has to approve such things before it even can change. (Even written there)

Tm is just a seperate suggestion

116 posts
8 months old
on 25-10-2024 20:31:42 (3 months ago)

It ll end up being abused.... We seen this so many times in games. 


Best features of kob:

I don't need nobody to play and I can play on my own without having a group


I don't need be online too much or God forbids be online at game time.



Let s keep it this way. :fingers_crossed:

51 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 20:44:45 (3 months ago)

@Alin where will it end up being abuse :laugh:

176 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 20:59:15 (3 months ago)

No need for league to be controlled by group of friends

51 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 21:01:48 (3 months ago)

@lysybandyta You didn't read the most obvious

27 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 21:29:46 (3 months ago)


176 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 21:40:31 (3 months ago)

@Chazuke_e because you didnt convince me?

51 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 21:54:37 (3 months ago)

@lysybandyta because your comment is a duplicate?

19 posts
7 months old
on 28-10-2024 11:20:19 (3 months ago)

I really want this implementation, besides adding fun, it also provides countries with more strategic management freedom, and can reward their entire nation in the process,   In addition to all the engagement that would be created between managers cooperating with each other to have the strongest league hehe I don't even know how this didn't already exist from the start

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