Forum > Suggestions (International) > League fund

51 posts
6 months old
on 24-10-2024 23:42:29 (3 months ago)

The league fund should be distributed differently among the tiers.


A 40%      50%

B 30%     25%

C 20%     15%

D 10%   10%

each degree's share was 25%

edited on 24-10-2024 23:54:49 (1 times)

277 posts
3 years old
on 24-10-2024 23:54:55 (3 months ago)

hi, currently the league fund is distributed like this:

1st the total is divided by 4 (the 4 divisions)
2nd the divided subtotal for each division is divided by the number of series

so, the first division gets more, since its divided by 1, division 2 gets half of the division 1 since the subtotal is divided by 2, division 3 gets half of what division 2 gets (subtotal is divided by 4) and division 4 gets half of what division 3 gets. (subtotal is divided by 8)

Here's the breakdown:

Division 1:

  • 1 series.
  • Receives 25% of the total fund because the entire quarter is given to one series.


Division 2:

  • 2 series.
  • Receives 25% of the total, but split between 2 series, meaning each series gets 12.5% of the total fund.


Division 3:

  • 4 series.
  • Receives 25% of the total, but split between 4 series, meaning each series gets 6.25% of the total fund.


Division 4:

  • 8 series.
  • Receives 25% of the total, but split between 8 series, meaning each series gets 3.125% of the total fund.


If anyone has a better way to distribute, they are welcome to suggest and argue.


edited on 24-10-2024 23:55:46 (2 times)

51 posts
6 months old
on 25-10-2024 00:02:17 (3 months ago)

I know that

in my opinion the percentage of the A and B grades should be increased at the expense of the C and D.

edited on 25-10-2024 00:26:56 (2 times)

51 posts
6 months old
on 25-10-2024 00:02:37 (3 months ago)

An example for me:

It is more profitable to demote in A1 and play first the season after in B1. Then to play rank 6 or down in A1 for 2 seasons.

116 posts
8 months old
on 25-10-2024 00:34:00 (3 months ago)

It is a good idea. Being in top tier should be a goal for all... And nothing motives people better than financial gain. 

However, couldn t suggest a split myself. 

edited on 25-10-2024 00:58:49 (1 times)

51 posts
6 months old
on 25-10-2024 00:43:55 (3 months ago)

In addition, in most countries there are no clubs in the third and fourth divisions.

73 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 00:55:11 (3 months ago)

How about remove Division D?
Send teams in Division D to another country's Division C?

40 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 09:21:12 (3 months ago)

at this moment, even in richest league rewards from A league are marginal and should be raised. Its better to be in b league if u r under half of table

148 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 09:27:48 (3 months ago)

Here is an old suggestion of mine:

51 posts
6 months old
on 25-10-2024 12:51:24 (3 months ago)

hope this suggestion will be implemented on this season's awards.

15 posts
7 months old
on 25-10-2024 13:10:01 (3 months ago)

Something goes wrong when the first in a "B" division earn more than the middle of the "A" division. I think I would have to adjust that a little bit somehow. When you are in the final stretch of the season, it may be a better option to lower your arms and go down a division than to fight (and not compete in games) to avoid being relegated.

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